IFSA Managing Director Russ Fleming Meets with Founders of ANRACI-Colombia at NFPA in June of 2015
ANRACI-Colombia Executive Director – Hugo Torres Bohanón
IFSA Assists the Formation of ANRACI-COLOMBIA
The fire sprinkler industry in Colombia has moved quickly to form the National Fire Sprinkler Association (ANRACI) Colombia in advance of the IFSA-sponsored “Fire Sprinkler Americas” conference in Medellín, Colombia, on 24-25 February 2016. Following some preliminary meetings in early 2015, the organization was officially founded in June of 2015. The table below shows the roster of the starting team of Board members.
The founders of the group met with IFSA Managing Director Russ Fleming at the NFPA Annual Conference in Chicago in June of 2015 to discuss their plans for the new organization, and in July the IFSA Board committed to a cost-sharing grant with the new organization. This commitment allowed ANRACI-Colombia to embark on an ambitious plan to make an impact in Colombia, including the hiring of an Executive Director in October of 2015 and the sponsorship of training in November of the same year.
New Executive Director Hugo Torres Bohanón is an industrial engineer by training who comes to ANARACI-Colombia from the faculty of engineering at the American University. From 2009 to 2013 he served as the executive director of the Colombia Society of Engineers.